Making NCDR accessible for neurodivergent people

Why is NCDR helpful for neurodivergent clients?
NCDR provides more flexibilty than the court process. It can accommodate ways of working that are far better suited to maximise participation.
Practitioners are reminded that neurodivergence intersects with other vulnerabilities which might result in power imbalances both in court and NCDR. Practitioners should be careful to screen for other vulnerabilities alongside neurodivergence mindful that domestic abuse and emotional manipulation might also be at play.
Who is this toolkit for?
The screening section can be used by solicitors and mediators in the MIAMS to identify barriers to participation and suitable adjustments.
The Agreement of Process (AOP) can be used by mediators, arbitrators or solicitors/barristers engaged in any NCDR process, having undertaken screening.
How to use?
The screening section helps identify barriers and adjustments.
The AOP will set the parameters to maximise participation.