Screening, barriers and adjustments

Screening for neurodiversity means listening to your client to help identify their specific and individual needs.  If they have a diagnosis, it might be helpful for you read this.  If they do not have a diagnosis, they may be assisted by completing the All About Me document

Adjustments to overcome barriers should be tailored to the individual needs of the participant clients and any children. Although there are adjustments which can be generally helpful, like taking regular breaks, a one-size fits all approach should be avoided as it can lead to necessary adjustments being overlooked and unnecessary or unhelpful adjustments being put in place. 

All parties and the professionals involved in the dispute resolution process will need to agree to the adjustments which are to be made. If these cannot be agreed, suitability for a particular form of NCDR may be impacted . Agreement about the barriers faced and adjustments to be made will be set out in the agreement of process.

The majority of adjustments will be straightforward, simple and many will already be familiar to practitioners however, sometimes creative thinking will be needed. 

Some examples of common barriers and possible adjustments can be found below. These are  suggestions and not exhaustive list.